Web Development Course Outline

Web Development Course Outline

Course Overview: This WordPress web development course is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to create professional, functional, and visually appealing websites using WordPress. Throughout the course, students will learn website planning, design principles, WordPress installation and configuration, theme customization, plugin integration, and responsive design techniques.

Week 1-2: Introduction to WordPress

  • Understanding the basics of WordPress
  • WordPress.org vs. WordPress.com
  • Installation and setup of WordPress
  • Overview of the WordPress dashboard
  • Introduction to themes and plugins

Week 3-4: Website Planning and Design Principles

  • Understanding website planning and structure
  • Identifying target audience and objectives
  • Wireframing and mockup creation
  • Principles of good website design
  • Introduction to UX/UI design concepts

Week 5-6: WordPress Theme Customization

  • Exploring WordPress themes
  • Customizing themes using the WordPress Customizer
  • Modifying theme settings and options
  • Introduction to child themes
  • Implementing custom CSS for design tweaks

Week 7-8: WordPress Content Management

  • Creating and organizing website content
  • Understanding posts, pages, and custom post types
  • Adding and formatting text, images, and multimedia
  • Utilizing categories and tags for content organization
  • Managing user roles and permissions

Week 9-10: WordPress Plugins and Functionality

  • Exploring WordPress plugins directory
  • Installing and activating plugins
  • Essential plugins for security, SEO, performance, and functionality
  • Customizing plugin settings and configurations
  • Best practices for plugin management and updates

Week 11-12: Responsive Web Design with WordPress

  • Understanding responsive design principles
  • Designing websites for multiple devices and screen sizes
  • Introduction to CSS media queries
  • Testing and optimizing websites for responsiveness
  • Implementing mobile-friendly navigation and elements

Week 13-14: E-commerce with WordPress

  • Overview of WordPress WordPress Web Development e-commerce solutions (WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, etc.)
  • Setting up an online store with WordPress
  • Adding products, categories, and tags
  • Configuring payment gateways and shipping options
  • Customizing the shopping cart and checkout process

Week 15-16: WordPress Security and Performance Optimization

  • Understanding common security threats and vulnerabilities
  • Implementing security best practices (SSL, strong passwords, etc.)
  • Installing security plugins and firewalls
  • Optimizing website performance (caching, image optimization, etc.)
  • Monitoring website performance with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights

Week 17-18: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress

  • Understanding the basics of SEO
  • Optimizing website structure and URLs
  • Configuring SEO plugins (Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack, etc.)
  • Keyword research and on-page optimization
  • Generating XML sitemaps and improving website indexing

Week 19-20: WordPress Site Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Regular website maintenance tasks (backups, updates, etc.)
  • Troubleshooting common WordPress issues (white screen of death, plugin conflicts, etc.)
  • Restoring and recovering WordPress websites
  • Implementing disaster recovery plans
  • Understanding WordPress hosting options and considerations

Week 21-22: Customizing WordPress Themes with PHP and Advanced CSS

  • Introduction to PHP for WordPress
  • Modifying theme templates and functions
  • Implementing custom post types and taxonomies
  • Advanced CSS techniques for theme customization
  • Integrating custom JavaScript for enhanced functionality

Week 23-24: Final Project and Portfolio Development

  • Applying skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course
  • Designing and developing a custom WordPress website from scratch
  • Presentation of the final project and portfolio
  • Peer review and feedback session

Note: This course outline is subject to adjustment based on the pace of learning and participants’ needs. Hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and continuous feedback will be integral parts of the learning process to ensure practical skill development. For More Courses.

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